Lake Charles American-Press from Lake Charles, Louisiana (2024)

i he he he a a a a a a a FRONT COLD states, Arizona, New Mexico and ida. It will be warmer in the northern and central plains, the Mississippi and thun. valley and The rest of the north. little the Plains photo). TORE AST Destine Saturday Figures Shaw High temperatures Expected COOLER It will be cooler Sat.

urday night along the north and trel Atlantic coastal states and the northern Rockles. Showers dershowers are forecast for ern parts of the Rockles, LOCAL WEATHER LAKE CHARLES Temperature today a.m.)......... today (6 a.m.) 52 Maximum yesterday (1 p.m.)......... Reollive Humidity (9 a.m.) 55 Roiniall today Reinfoll yesterday .15 Sunset today 7:06 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow $:13 a.m.

Sca level pressure (9 a.m.). 30 20 1des-Today, high 1.5 of a.m.: 10 0.8 al 7:11 a.m.; high 1.2 ct 11:15 tow at 6:54 p.m. omarrow. high 1.6 at 1:30 a.m.: low 0 08 at 59 a.m.: high 1.2 ot 11:38 a.m.; low 0.8 al 1:20 p.m. Police Probing Fatal Beating In New Orleans NEW ORLEANS (AD --Polic surday probed the fatal beating of man whose body was found nor a busy intersection.

man was tentatively identifro 35 Vanden Russell. 42. of Orleans by police officers had arrested him previously trunk charges. 'The coroner's office said the In n's jaw had been fractured by a :4 board hound near the body. A mail in the board matched a hole in the man's jaw.

Police helieve the motice was joiNery. There was no identification or money on the body. which was found Friday night. Train Collision Claims Lives of Mother, Child SENATOBIA. Miss.

'API A -freight train collision here Friday killed Mrs. Carl Garrett. 35 of Sarah. and her 4-year-old daughter. Julie.

C'onductor of the northbound: Whacis Central freight train. H. T. (nihoum. said he saw Mrs Garroll looking at the train hut that sho apparently couldn't stop.

He sad the crossing bell was ringing. woo lights blinking and the train's or horn blaring. L'eputy Sheriff Harold Kopf sail the wreckage of the car was seal tered along 1.000 feet of the track. Nonwhites in SA Threaten Strike JOHANNESBURG. South Africa (AP) Nervous whites jammed South Africa's grocery stores and supermarkets today in a buying rush.

fearing supplies would be shut olf Monday when the try's nonwhite majority is threatcning to begin a three- strike against the segregationist govern- Dent. The strike of Negroes. coloreds (mixed bloods: and Asians bas been called to protest the inaugu-; ralion Wednesday of a South re an Republic outside the British Commonwealth. The nonwhites are using the occasion to demand voting rights and representation in the all-white government. Man Shot During Whisky Still Raid LUCEDALE, Miss.

(AP) Melvin Ira Stringfellow, 20, was accidentally shot and killed near here Friday during a whisky still raid. according to deputy sheriff James Smith. Smith said "my finger shpped and the shotgun fired" after two; men he had just arrested began walking off. The deputy arrested them after staking out a whisky still most of the night, beginning late Thursday, Two men approached and he ordered them to stop, firing into the air. Smith said a moment later Stringfellow was shot.

Stringfellow was dead on arrival at a hospital. Arizona Police Investigating Auto Accident SAFFORD. Ariz. here are trying to find out what caused an accident in which sev. e11 persons.

six of them teenageis. were killed Thursday night. Justice of the Peace Walter Clifford Sr. said special emphasis IS being put on the liquor possibility Five of the dead had been craduated that day from Safford High School. "If it is found that drinking was unsolved among the scen-agers.

whoever is responsible for their obtaining the liquor will he handed the severest possible he sand. Highway patrolman Everett Hull testitied at the opening of the inquest Friday that Johnny John. 17. of Saflord. the lone surviror.

told hint none of the group "But been drinking. earlier Hull told newsmen broken beer bottles and splashes ol beer were found in the agers' car and feel reasonably sure some of the boys were drinking." The inquest was continued untit carly next week when John will be able to testify. Meanwhile. mass funeral service was set for Monday for the five Safford dead. Jerry Goodman.

17. son of Graham County Tax Assessor Robert Goodman Wade West, 16; Ivan Allen, 16: Joan Robinson. 14, and Kay Fyffe. 16. Arrangements for Albela Big.

ler. 17. of Central, have not been announced. Services are scheduled in Pima. loday for Wayne Wamsley, 33.

the other victim. His car slammed into the sedan carrying the teen-agers as it turned onto the main highway from a side road 11, miles from Safford. Negro, White Sympathizers Seized in S. A. JOHANNESBURG.

South Africa -More Negroes and white sympathizers were seized Friday in the nation-wide drive to head off a three-day strike. Before the new raids, 10,000 nonwhites had been jailed. Leaders of the nonwhite majorcalled the strikes in an attempt to wring voting rights from the white supremacist government. The strikes coincide with South Africa as A republic divorced frum the British Commonwealth. Airplane Crash Is Investigated HARRISBURG.

Pa. (AP) Investigators sought recently the cause of a jet-airplane crash that killed Brig. Gen. Barnie B. Entire 43, chief of staff of the South Carolina Air National Guard.

The F104 jet fighter dived into an uninhabited island in the Susquehanna River Wednesday within sight of crowds on Harrisburg's South Bridge. McEntire had just taken off to return to Congaree Air National Guard Base at Last Over, S.C.. when his plane plunged into the island. McEntire of Columbia, S.C., is survived by his widow, Margaret. and three daughters.

For three years after Cuba threw off Spanish rule in 1838. the island was ruled by the U.S. War Department, NEW AND COOL! Hotel Majestic AUTO LUNCHEON PLATE 950 Assorted Cold Cuts Cool Salads- Rolla Hot or Iced or Coffer Monday Through A.M.• 2100 P.M. LAST WEEK'S PUZZLE CLUES EXPLAINED Following are me explanations to last week's Play for Pay crosspuzzle: ACROSS: 1. When we see a person SWAGGER our first impressions are often wrong exaggerates with Stagger; the possible causes of staggering are restricted.

SWAGGER can be more deceptive; the conceit associaled with a SWAGGER might well be an altempt to conceal a sense of inferiority. 5. Women usually seem more given than men to talking without PAUSE! is better. It only seems they talk without PAUSE, because men are SO anxious to take over the versation. As for Cause.

men and women share the habit of idle chatter about equally. 6. His nursing grievances is apt to make a man SOUR crabbed or peevish, is more in keeping with human nature: he nurses them and doesn't get them off his mind. This isn't so likely to make him Dour, stern, severe. 7.

When people are in a MESS their actions are often lacking in common sense (Mass). Not. Mass: the clue does not stal they're in a panic or that something untoward is happening. MESS is more specific: they're in trouble and. might well be incapable of clear thinking.

12. Thoughtless people are often unduly harsh in their judgment of a man because he is BOOR harsh goes too far with Poor. There's more likelihood of the thoughtless being unduly harsh in judging a BOOR, a rude, illmannered person. 13. Normally, you need exceptional talent to STAR in your protession (SOAR), -STAR is better.

It goes so much further than Soar. To STAR you have to get up near the top, but you can Soar. rise. without getting within striking distance of the top. 14.

A schoolteacher seldom gives sonny as much ROPE as mother does tHope). ROPE is more reasonable. The teacher is merely doing her job when she keeps tab on the boy; his mother is more likely to be indulgent. Hope is weak. A teacher is often a prime source of inspiration to a boy.

15. Relations with employers are often unhappy when workers HATE to work very hard (Have). -Often unhappy overstates if Have is used. Employers and employes HATE to work hard there's good ground for suspicion that they're either lazy or that working conditions are bad. HATE is the better word.

DOWN: 1. A STREAM of abuse lends to make even the most chivalrous men show resentment (Scream). -A single Scream of abuse doesn't even tend to make such a man show resentment, though he might feel it. STREAM goes much more objectionable. 2.

You can often detect tourists by the way they GAZE at their surroundings -Often understates with Gape; they stare with their mouths open. GAZE is better with often. 3. A good RETORT usually shows that a boy is alert (report). -RETORT, yes: it's a witty reply.

A good Report doesn't necessarily indicate alertness; it might be gained by laborious plodding. 4. We often pretend not 10 FEAR something we find disturb- VACATION SPECIAL! RENT A PIANO OFF REGULAR PRICES $3. per month up. No obligation lo buy, All rent may be applied to purchase.

Free Parking In Rear of Store LAKE CHARLES MUSIC CO. 414 Bread HE 9-2435 "S.W. Louisiona's Largest and oldest Music Co." part of the Ohio valley. the nation should expect temperature change. (AP Wire.

NATIONAL WEATHER Albany, rout 69 39 Albuquerque, cloudy 55 Allonto, clear .03 Bismorck, cloudy Bosion, rain Buffalo, cloudy .03 Chicago, clear 4. 48 Cleveland, cloudy .02 Denver, clear Des Moines, clear Detroit. clear Fairbanks. cloudy .01 Fort Worth, Helena, cloudy .01 Honolulu, ciner Indianapolis, clear Juneau, rain Kansas City, clear Los Angeles, clear Louisville, clear Memphis, clear Miomi, cloudy 2.06 Milwauken, clear 45 Minneapolis, St. Paul, 62 New York, rot New Orleans, clear oklahom*o City, clear ....70 Omaha, clear 67 cloudy 1.26 Phoenix, clear Pittsburgh.

cloudy .07 Portland, rain Portland, rain Rapid City, claudy Richmond. clear .64 St. Louls, clear 56 Soil Lake City. clear PO San San Francisco, cloudy cloudy 60 Seattle, Tampa. rain cloudy 54 23 Washington.

clear 79 M--Missing; -Trace THE WEATHER ELSEWHERE BY The Associated Press High Low Pr. Subway Workers Die in Cave-in Of Wet Concrete TORONTO (AP) A construction cave-in killed two subway workers Friday night, burying them under eight tons of rubble and wet concrete. It was the first major accident since work started on Toronto's new east west subway last year. Rescue workers with torches and a crane dug five hours to reach the bodies of Edgar Ostkamp. 34, an engineer who came here with his wife and two children from Germany two years ago, and John Blaney, 29, a married, childless carpentry foreman.

Solons Sponsor Anti-Turncoats Pay Resolutions WASHINGTON (AP) Reps. Arthur Winstead and Thomas Abernethy, Mississippi De mocrats, are sponsoring bills to deny -war pay to turncoals. Their bills, resulted from a recent U. S. Supreme court ruling that three former U.S.

soldiers who were taken prisoner in Korea and later defected to the Communists are entitled to collect about $10,000. In a statement explaining their bill. the representatives I said "This puts a premium on dishonor." the lot of the taxpayer today is not a happy one. and it is not improved when the supreme court upheld payment of $10,000 to three turncoats." Liberia, presently celebrating 114 years of independence, was the only republic in all of Africa for more than a century. EDUCATIONAL LOANS COLLEGE BUSINESS SCHOOL TUITION AND OTHER EXPENSES We have a plan especially for High School graduates.

For further information call or drop by our office and discuss your needs with Melba Spell our special logn counselor. I COMMUNITY CREDIT COMPANY HE 9.3615 909 Ryan Street ing (Hear). -The on which we pretend not to HEAR something we find disturbing are few and far between. Often points to FEAR-It's a question of keeping up appearances. 8.

An attractively dressed dow often induces passers-by to STOP -Of all those who are induced to STOP, Il'8 only a proportion of them who actually Shop. Often overstates with Shop. 9. The more cynical a man. the more likely he is to be SURE about feminine fickleness 'Sore).

-Ilis very cynicism makes him SURE, but it doesn't to the same degree make him Sore, angry. The more. convinced he is about it. the more prepared he is to sce ficklencss. 10.

The fact that she's late for an appointment seldom makes a en what woman cynical RASH males might say, seldom exaggerates with Rush. Seldom is better with RASH; women have a keen sense of values. 11. lie's usually a weak character who doesn't DARE to speak his mind to a designing woman who chases him. a man of a strong character might not Care to do so.

But that is not to say he wouldn't DARE. have the courage. to speak his mind. Westlake Teacher To Work at NSC NATCHITOCHES (Spl.) Airs. Pearl McKnight, West Lake high school guidance counselor.

will be a graduate assistant ir. the department of education and psychology at Northwestern State College this summer. She will work in the guidance institute under the direction of Dr. Ray McCoy. Grandma Gets Long-Awaited College Degree ALBANY.

N.Y. (AP)-Grandma had her long college diploma today. Thirty-six years ago she eloped. just six weeks before she would have been graduated from school. Then came 7 children and 16 grandchildren, and the chores of a 700-acre.

130-cow dairy farm. But then Marguerite B. field. 53. of North Hartland.

put aside children and farm, passed a high-school equivalency test and for two years atlended Albany Junior College. She was graduated with Friday -the top student in the college's general business branch. Dean Edward Sabol described Mrs. Maxfield as a "trim, modern grandmother and a very serious student." Mrs. Maxfield, who roomed in Albany and journeyed about miles to the farm weekends.

said she studied business administra-1 tion to become "more adapt the management end of the 1 farm." Her sons, Robert and Louis, have been running the farm. Mrs. Maxfield's advice to other grandmothers Go to college and pursue new careers. Her immediate plan. she said, is to spend several months in South America to improve her Spanish, then return to the farm.

I SATURDAT, MAT IT, rot, Lake Charles American Press 7 Local Firm Signs to Sell Homes in Five-State Area Signing of a five-state dealer. ship for luxury class homes ranging in price from $20.000 to $75,000 was announced today by Southern Construction company Charles. C. Ray Grein, vice president, said the local company made a 10-year agreement with Scholz Homes, of Toledo. Ohio, for exclusive manufacturing.

sales and distribution of the homes in Teller Laughs At Would -Be Bank Robber NEW ORLEANS (AP) A would-be bank robber fled in frustration Friday when a woman teller laughed off a note demanding money saying "I mean bustness." Mrs. Elizabeth tellet in the Canal Street branch of the National Bank of Commerce, said short, dark-haired man apacross a printed note. The note asked for money to be put in a folder without any foolishness. Mrs. Beard said she land would have to get more.

She walked away toward the tellers ares all1 he fled About 117 young people from the United States and 125 foreign youths will take part in the 1961 International Farm Youth change program. Louisiana. Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and the southern half al Arkansas. The homes are not pre-fabricated. but are "precision-engineered, using component.

parts," Grein sald. "We propose to construct all of these homes and marshal all material at our local plant here in Lake Charles." he said. The plant is located near State Highway 14 and Industrial avenue. The distribution area covered, by the agreement has a tion of 27 million. Grein explained that the local company is now tablishing sales managers for districts of about one million population each.

The homes will be sold through real estate agencics and building contractors under Southern Construction franchises. Grein said it is contemplated. that sales will reach 1.000 to 1.500 homes per year with employ. ment of 175 to 200 workers at the local plant. Teacher Awarded Trip by Students HAZARD, Ky.

(AP)-For 30 years Emma B. Ross has been teaching her students about William Shakespeare, and now, thanks to them, she is going to visit his birthplace. Former students of Hazard High School will present her with a ticket to Great Britain plus traveling expenses at a dinner in her honor June 3. PAK-A-SAK "Play For Pay" Crossword Puzzle! HERE'S HOW YOU PLAY IT: WIN SOLVE CHOOSE the from clues each just as printed you clue would the any letter other that BEST crossword fits puzzle. the clue definition.

WRITE the answers in the blank space provided In each puzzle until all have been filled in. HERE ARE THE RULES: $550 your Entries chanical must convenience be reproduction or made on in will a be crossword reasonable accepted puzzle and facsimile only form. of one a They similar can facsimile be size. per on No the contestant form "mimeograph" will printed be or here accepted. me- for All entries must be taped or pasted on a postal card obtained from the post office or on the special bonus card available at your favorite, handy Pak-a-Sak Service Store.

No ENor You TRY can WHICH return IS your MAILED entry IN to AN any ENVELOPE Pak-a-Sak Service WILL BE Store or ACCEPTED. mail to Pak-a-Sak Service, 1330 Twelfth Street, Lake Charles, La. If you deliver them in person, they must reach $575 A than card cash Pak-a-Sak 11:00 furnished prize by P.M. of 11:00 $575 Tuesday, P.M. will of be the Tuesday.

paid local for If the you Pak-a-Sak mail correct them, solution. they extra If must you bonus be entry of is $25 postmarked will submitted be no on given, later by one stores, an If more than one correct solution is received the prize will be divided among the winners. If no correct solution is received, $25 will be added to the award for next week's contest. REMEMBER: There is only one correct solution and only correct solution can win. There If you have the cor.

is only one answer that in the decision of the judges is Best. a The decision of the judges shall be final and all contestants taking part agree to accept those decisions as a condition rect solution! You of entry. Winners and correct solution will be announced with the new "PAK-A-SAK CROSSWORD" Anyone may enter except employees of Pak-a-Sak and The American Press and members of will win a $25.00 next Saturday. bonus if solu- their families. There is no limit to the number of entries per person.

your tion is submitted on PUZZLE NO. 19 a special Crossword Puzzle postcard avail. SHREW able at any of your 'No SWAGGER handy Pak a Sak TE PAUSE Service Stores. If ET A A USE there is more than SOUR RI 'S MT one correct solution, ME's's RID the prize will be dis TU ALLA BOOR STAR vided among the ROPE HATE ALL winners. OFT DOWN ACROSS 1.

A sensible person is usually able to laugh at SN -BS. 1. Women who are SHEW- are somelimes harshly U). other women (D or S). (O or criticized by 2.

We're apt to be exasperated by a vain -UEST 3. Few -made men believe the struggle facing amis NO- sterner than it was a (G or Q). bitious youth tion ago (T or W). 4. We usually have cause to regret behaving -ADLY is to A--USE a when we're (B or M).

7. How hard It often person not in the mood to do so! (B or M). 5. Undeserved bitterly unkind words often make a pertimes feel a desire to son feel -UMB (D or N). 8.

Probably most of us at SPE-D recklessly (E or N). 6. When drink makes him -ELLOW, man often She's usually wise wife who tries to study her thinks he's more entertaining than he really 16 12. a -OOD (G or M), (B or M). husband's 9.

An approach that's -ILY is often apt to defeat the 13. People who seem purpose of a request (O or W). constantly to -AIL seldom get very far (F or WI. 14. Young women are apt to they have -EW clothes to 15.

The cruel, hard world often position of a youth who be when wear (F ol' N). soon changes the disIs -OFTY (L or S). 10. A woman is usually talking about a -OE 11. Proving --IT in a to oblain a star pert less reserved than a man in (F or W), minor role enables many an actor (F or H).




Lake Charles American-Press from Lake Charles, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.