The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (2025)

There are SO many different mascaras out there and while we are told the reasonbehind the various different formulas, what’s the reason behind each of the different wands?

Well in this blog post,we explain whateach shape of wandwill do, so the next time you’re mascara shopping, you will know whatyou’re getting before you buy!

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (2)

Sue rocking her super glam SOSUbySJ lashes

Of course, the best way to instantly get beautifully long and voluminous lashes is to wear a set of lashes from the bestsellingSOSUbySJ lashrange!

All of these are a surefire way to give you lots of lash oomph!

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (3)

Sue wearing her SOSUbySJ lashes, contour and highlighter

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1.Classic mascara wand / 2. Tapered comb mascara wand / 3. Curved comb mascara wand

1. Classic mascara wand

The standard classic mascara wandis probably a favourite of every mascara-lovingwoman! (Think Maybelline’s Great Lashes Mascara)

This style ofwand (especially if it has thick bristles) will give your lashes a more voluminous result.

Shop Classic Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (5)

2. Taperedcomb mascara wand

The pointed end of a tapered mascara wand will help you reach those small lashes towards the inner corner of the eye. The larger end of the wand head meanwhileconcentrates the formula on the outer lashes thus helping you to create a dramatic cat-eye look.

The comb-like bristles on this particularly wand will help separate the lashes. This type of wandis great for full coverage but not so muchforcreating volume.

Shop Tapered Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (6)

3. Curved comb mascara wand

The purpose of the curved mascara wand is always tocurl thelashes.

The wand headmimics the natural curl of the lashes while the purpose of the comb is to preventclumps from occurring.

Shop Curved Comb Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (7)

SoSueMeMascara Tip:

If you want to enhance thecurl of your lashes, concentrate the mascara on the root. Too much mascara on the tips will weigh down the lashes and cause them to lose the curl.

4. Micro wand / 5. Fat brush wand / 6. Precision tip wand

4. Micro wand

You would think that the bristle-heavy wands would be best for coverage but that’s not always the case! A micro wand iswonderful for achieving that clean, defined look.

This type of wand isgreat for layering mascara without it clumping. A micro wandalso makes for a mess-free application on those lower lashes!

Shop Micro Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (9)

5. Fatbrush wand

The fatterthe wand, the fatter the lashes!

If you’re aftera voluminous doll-eyed look, thenthis is the style of wand to go for.

Shop FatBrush Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (10)

6. Precision tip wand

A precision-tip head with a thickly-bristled wand underneath is best for creating volume.

The precision tip is for coating those tiny lashes that are often difficultto reach.

SoSueMeMascara Tip:

We have all had mascaras where we love the formula but hate the wand, or vice versa. Well, ifthere is a particular type ofmascara wand you love,don’t throw it away when themascara runs out. Clean it with eye makeup remover and then use the wand when you buya new mascara that doesn’t havethe kind of wand you like.

7. Ball wand / 8. Ball tip wand / 9. Corkscrew wand

7. Ball wand

Coverageis the one thingyou are guaranteed with this type of wand.

Because the wand only concentrates ona few lashes each time, you are are pretty much left withroot-to-tip coverage.

Unlike thelarger brushes, which don’t always reach the very root of the lash (very annoying if you have blondeor fairlashes), the ball wand ensures that every millimeter of the lash is covered.

8. Ball tip wand

This is a standard wand with a bristled ball top.

Like the tapered wand, this styleis designed to make it easier to each the smallerlashes. The ball tip wand is also designed for a smudge-free application on the lower lashes.

Shop Ball Tip Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (12)

9. Corkscrew wand

This style of wand is all about maximum coverage and creating optimum volume.

It’s a slightly different take on the classicmascarawand.

Shop Corkscrew Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (13)

10. Comb bristlewand /11. Skinny wand /12. Triple ball wand

10. Comb bristlewand

This type of brush lengthens and volumises and generally gives the lashes lots of drama.

The more you layer, the more volumised the lashes will look. While it gives a big kick of volume to thin sparse lashes, the maindownside to this type of wand is the risk of clumping.

The comb-like bristles also ensure precise definition.

11. Skinny wand

Short bristled mascara wands are great for adding length and definition to the lashes.

They arealso wonderful for separating the lashes. If you are blessed with naturally thick lashes then this is the kind of wand that would work best for you.

If it’s massive volume you are looking for however, then a skinny wand is never usually the bestchoice.

Shop Skinny Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (15)

12. Triple ball wand

The idea behind this style wand is that it will curl your lashes while you coat them with mascara. (Opinion on thecurling-effectiveness of this wand is very divided!)

What it does give however is a very dramatic, full coverage,look.

Shop Triple Ball Wand Mascaras

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (16)

*Please note that Suzanne may receive partial payment from the above links

The Different Types Of Mascara Wands Explained! | So Sue Me (2025)
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