The Enid Daily Eagle from Enid, Oklahoma (2024)

TWELVE THE ENID DAILY EAGLE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1936 FOOD and Marketing PAGE: FOREST EXPERT URGES PATROL FOR ALL TIMBER Phillips Cites Causes Back of Most Fires in Southeast Area CITY, Aug. -The old Indian superstition that smoke rising into the sky will bring rain was credited today with being a potent factor in forest fires in southeastern Oklahoma. George R. Phillips, former state forester who resigned last night, said that from four to six fires are started daily in the patrolled 000 acres of forest in the southeastern part of the state. Phillips revealed that he has asked A.

M. Landman, the Five Civilized Tribes agent at Muskogee, 1 to aid in educating the more backward Indians along forest conservation lines. Most of the fires are started by careless campers, but a number of blazes still are, deliberately started, Phillips said. Neighborhood feuds which end in disgruntled persons setting fire to their neighbors' forests are also a cause of the fires, he said. Phillips advocated expenditure of more state funds in protecting the entire 12,000,000 acres of timber in eastern Oklahoma, instead of the 1,300,000 acres now patrolled.

Fires swept over some 3,000 acres of patrolled timber lands this month, he revealed. PARTIAL IDENTITY FOR PURCELL BODY PURCELL, Aug. -The body of a man, found in a cornfield at the south edge of Purcell: today, was identified tentatively from clothing as that of a beggar who two weeks ago threatened a family here with a knife when refused food. The body was in such an advanced state of decomposition that further identification was impossible. The clothing contained no personal effects from which identity could be established.

Officers discarded a theory" the man had been slain. Acting County Attorney John Abernathy said the man called at the home of a family named Tippett and asked for food. When refused, he threatened them with a knife. The family called officers, but the beggar escaped. He was about 50 years old, wore a straw hat, overalls and a light shirt.

A knife and some tobacco was all that was found in the pockets. The body was found by Henry Hudson, negro, who was gathering corn. BURIAL RITES FOR ENID WOMAN FRIDAY The funeral for Mrs. Joe Melbergen, 65, Enid pioneer resident who died Friday at her home in Glendale, will be held Saturday afternoon at 1:30 at Wee Kirk-of-the-Heather church in Forest Lawn cemetery at Glendale. Burial will be in Forest Lawn cemetery beside her husband, a pioneer Enid clothing merchant, who died several years ago.

H. MOGAB GROCERY 418 E. Randolph Phone: 3369 Fat Fryers lb 16c Sweetheart Branded Beef Roast lb 14c Vegetole 2 Ibs Compound 25c Diamond Matches Carton Faultless Starch Boxes 15c RINSO. pkgs 150 Mustard or Tomato 3. Oval Sardines Cans 25c 12 No.

2 Cans Tomatoes $1.00 Nash's 1 lb Coffee Jar 28c Tomato Juice Kraut Homing can 5c Otoe Cherries can reserve the right to limit quantities. FREE DELIVERY ADMIT BANK TUNNEL PLOT Floyd A. Nunn, 31, and his wife, Muriel, 20, (seated), shown at Flint, with policemen to whom they confessed a plot to tunnel from a storm sewer into a bank vault. An officer is holding some of Nunn's tools. (Associated Press Photo) A.

A. U. BARS OWENS AS AMATEUR Jesse Owens (right), America's premier athlete in the Olympic games at Berlin is shown in London conferring with his coach, Larry Snyder of Ohio State, shortly after he had been barred from further amateur competition by Avery Brundage, President of the A. A. U.

This picture was sent from London to the United States by radio. (Associated Press Photo) TEMPERATURE HOLDS ABOVE 100 DEGREES With the temperature standing at 101 at 1 o'clock today, the outlook was good for the mercury to touch 104 or better during the afternoon to equal yesterdays maximum. Although a few clouds floated about in the sky, temporarily cooling the air when the sun was obscured, there was no indication of a general break in the heat and drouth, Harry Wahlgren, Oklahoma federal weather forecaster, said. Wahlgren said a low pressure area covered the western half of the nation and he said it would continue generally fair and warm tonight and tomorrow. Amarillo, Texas, reported a trace of rain, and Clinton received a shower, measuring .15 inch yesterday.

BOY OF FOUR YEARS DIES AT ENID HOME Charles Cochrane, four years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cochrane, 1201 South Washington, died Friday morning at 12:30 o'clock at his home.

The funeral will be held in the chapel of the Schaeffer funeral home Saturday afternoon at 1:30 Rev. Arloe Shelton officiating. Then the body will be taken to Dover for a service at 3 o'clock in the Evangelical church followed by burial in the Dover Cemetery. Besides his parents he leaves two sisters, Helen and Geneva and brothers, Howard Lee and Harvey Glen, all of the home, and a grandfather, George Grimes of Gardner, Mo. DIVELEY FUNERAL TO BE HELD SUNDAY The funeral for Frank: Diveley, 50, pioneer Covington farmer, who died Thursday afternoon in 8D Enid hospital, will be on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Central Christian church.

Burial will be in NEVADA LOOKS TOWARD RICH GOLD 'STRIKE' Enthusiasm Kindled by Reports of Find in Desolate Region RENO, Aug. of a new golden age danced through the minds of Nevada's Black Rock desert prospectors tonight because of a reputedly. rich gold "strike" in a desolate region 150 miles northwest of here. Visits by former President Herbert Hoover, John J. Raskob and representatives of a British mining firm to the scene kindled enthusiasm over the find.

The new found gold was coming out of a mine recently purchased by George B. Austin, storekeeper and prospector, for $10,000. Austin's diggings were reported to be honeycombed with a peculiar formation yielding $123 to the ton of ore and $420 in a one-day production test with mortar and pestle. Mining men said they understood Austin could realize as much as 000,000 for the property now, under certain conditions, but that he had formed a 50-year trust to assure its being kept in the family, Hoover announced through his secretary that he had no personal financial interest in the area but R. J.

Hanna, San Francisco oil man who accompanied him, has acquired six claims near the Austin's mine, which he calls the Jumbo. ICE CREAM MAKERS HOLD ENID PARLEY Ice cream manufactures of northern Oklahoma and southern Kansas were in a "called meeting in Enid this afternoon, opening with a luncheon at the Hotel Youngblood, to discuss problems effecting their industry. Enid manufacturers and those of Alva, Woodward and other points in Oklahoma and southern Kansas, were invited to attend the parley. WORK STARTED ON COUNTY OIL TEST Work has started on digging cellar and slush pit for the Marathon Oil company and others No. 1 in the northeast of 22-22-4w.

along the western slope of the Garber-Covington oil field. This will be a Wilcox sand test to determine if the sand can be found on a dip along the west side of the old Garber-Covington pool like in the Oklahoma City and the old Billings pools. The Marathon and others have leased practically all of the land along the west side of the pool, extending from a point just south and west of Garber almost to Covington. RAILS GIVEN RIGHT TO ESTABLISH RATES WASHINGTON, Aug. The interstate commerce commission today granted western carriers authority to establish rates on hay and straw from points in Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma to St.

HARDWARE SPECIALS for SATURDAY AND MONDAY $1.89 Lisk Thermal Food Jugs. Large Picnic Lunch ha Willow Picnic Lunch $3.00 Vacuum Ice Cream U. S. Chain Tread Bicycle Tires. 89c Winchester 2 Cell Flashlight (focusing) Gallon Stone Water Cooler 5 Gallon Stone Water Wagon Umbrella $65.00 Set $52.50 $275.00 Gibson Oil Used Tappan Gas Range, all porcelain With Oven Regulator, Ins.

Oven Used Perfection 5 Burner $21.00 Used E. Z. Way 5 Burner Oil Range. Used Automatic Gas Engine Used Economy King Ball Bearing Separator $25.00 Used Round Oak Gas Range- Used Quick Meal Gas Used Refrigerator, 75 pound $3.50 Folding Lawn Chairs. $2.47 Folding Lawn Chairs $1.49 Folding Lawn GEO.

J. GENSMAN CO. 3 Doors South of Square on Grand WHERE CROPS ONCE THRIVED Rexford G. Tugwell, rural resettlement administrator, and member of the president's drouth commission, is shown examining a handful of loose sand that covers what was once a prosperous farm near Dalhart, Tex. (Associated Press Photo) Louis without observing the long and short haul provision of the interstate commerce act.

ENTRIES OPEN FOR CLUB KITE CONTEST All Enid boys who desire to enter kites in the annual American Bustness club's kite flying contest, which will open August 31, were invited today to file their entries with Joe Clement, Boy Scout executive, or Lee Kisner, president of the club. The contest was to have started last Monday, but was postponed two. weeks because of the heat and drouth. All members of the club today were fingerprinted by Harold Woolwine, police sergeant, and the prints will be sent to Washington to provide a permanent identification record for all members. Several A.

B. C. clubs of the country have carried out similar programs. Clement invited all members of the club to the Saline Boy Scout camp opening program next Monday evening at Fairview. NEW YORK METALS NEW YORK, Aug.

21- (P)- -Copper steady; electrotylic, spot and future, export, $9.60. LeadSteady; spot, New York, $4.60 to East St. Louis, $4.45. ZineDull; East St. Louis, spot and future, $4.80.

The smithy of J. L. Pratt, 74, at Essex, is the third structure to occupy the same site, which has been in the family for 258 years. FARMERS GROCERY FRED H. NICHOLAS, 502 EAST Phone FREE BROADWAY 1886 DELIVERY Pure Vegetable 2 Ibs Nice Fat -Legherns) Shortening 23c Friers lb 17c (As Long As It Lasts) PEAS 3 No.

2 Roast Beef lb 9c TOMATOES 25c HOMINY Cans No. 1 Red Marco 3 pkgs Potatoes 10 lb 27c Jelly Powder 12c Yellow Cling No, 10 can Reg. 10c Rye, Whole Wheat or Peaches 43c White -Fresh Bread 2 loaves 15c Pink Tall Folger's 2 lb can Salmon Can 10c Coffee Lb pkg and Marshmallow 13c Soap 5 Bars Giant 19c Elastic Regular 10c Box Brimfull Starch 5c Apricots No. Can Pillsbury's Best Flour. .48 lbs $1.55 Absolute Flour .48 lbs $1.19 Lux and White King Coupons Redeemed.

SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS PEOPLE'S GROCERY and MARKET 220 West Randolph Phone 4770 Free Delivery THE BOSS SAID TO SELL BEEF CHOICE BEEF CHOICE ROUND Roast lb Steak lb 19c LOIN OR I-BONE FRESH GROUND Steaks lb Hamburger lb 10c CHOICE BOILING FAMILY STYLE Beef lb Steak lb PURE VEGETABLE LONGHORN CREAM Compound 2 lbs 25c Cheese lb 21c OCEAN TROUT Fresh lb 124c ARM SWISS POT Steak lb 15c Roast lb 10c FRESH MINCED HAM or Butter lb 35c Ring Bologna lb RED WONDER Potatoes 10 lbs 33c Bread 2 loaves FOLGERS- No Limit MAGIC WHITE SUNNY Coffee CUP COFFEE lb 261c Soap 2 bars 5c PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR 48 lbs $1.75 SYRUP PACK GALLON Peaches 2 No. Cans 35c Cherries 59c Tomatoes 3 Cans Corn 3 No. Cans 35c CARTER TO HOLD SIGNATURES ON BILL SUFFICIENT Initiative Would Create Commission to Hear Petition Protests OKLAHOMA CITY, Aug. (P) -Secretary of State Frank Carter announced today he will hold sufficient without a hearing the signatures on an initiative petition providing creation of a commission to hear petition protests, "This measure would take from my office the authority to hold the hearings and would put it in the hands of a commission which would act on the protests within 30 days after they are filed." Carter said. "I'm going to certify the petition as sufficient without hearing the protest of J.

M. Ashton and let Ashton to the supreme court it he desires. In other words this affects my office and I am in effect disqualifying myself to pass upon it." Carter added he believed the 30- day provision was unconstitutional because protestants might not be able to perfect appeals to. the supreme court in that time. Read the News-Eagle Classified.

BUTTER KRUST WEEK-END SPECIAL Cherry Layer Cake A luscious Summer Cake made with fresh cherries and covered with a lovely cherry, icing. 18c and 28c Be sure your bread is fresh. Ask for Butter Krust Dated Bread. BUTTER KRUST BAKERY 218 West Randolph Phone 691 Memorial Park cemetery. Mr.

Diveley's death followed a week's illness. He came to Oklahoma with. his. father when the Cherokee Strip was opened in 1893 and they settled in the Covington community. Survivors are hie wife of the home, three sons, John of Garber, Everett of Covington, Walter of the home and a daughter, Velma Lucille, also of the home, He leaves a sister, Mrs.

Ethel Hoopingarner of Manter, and his father, John Diveley of Enid. The Brown funeral home is caring for the body. Approximately 21,500,000 homes in the United States, say statisticians, are radio-equipped, Two Stores To Serve You Better 106 South Independence 124 East Randolph Phone 285 Phone 414 CAR LOAD BUYER CRANK GROCERY HAWKING TEACH YOUR DOLLARS TO HAVE MORE CENTS CO A DO)I We have just unloaded a car load New Pack Vegetables. We are selling several of these items by the dozen or case at less than replacement cost. Buy your winter supply of Canned Fruit and Vegetables now and save Twenty-Five to Fifty Percent.

Bananas Fancy Yellow 3 lbs 17c Lemons, large doz 25c; Fancy Fresh Peaches. Wax Tomatoes, Beans Corn Full 3 cans No. 2 290 can Doz. $1.10 Two Modern Food Stores to Serve You Better Green Beans 3 cans 250 Spinach, Hominy Full No. 2 can Doz.

95c Tomato Juice Can Tall 5c Pork Beans Van Tall Camps Can 5c WHOLE GRAIN Corn No. 2 Marco can 150 Doz. $1.65 EXTRA SIFTED Peas No. 2 Brimfull can 150 Doz. $1.65 SMALL GARDEN RUN Peas Otoe 2 cans No.

2 25c can Doz. $1.35 Flour at None Hacker's Any Better Price Best 48 lbs $1.65 24 lb 87e: 12 lb 6 lb Fryers to Average 3 lb lb 21c Beef Roast Seven Shoulder Cut OF lb 15c Beef Ribs or Baking Boiling lb 11c Pork Chops End Cuts 1b 19c Meat Loaf and Beef, Veal Pork lb MRS. TUCKER'S Shortening Pure In Bulk Vegetable 2 lbs 27c Two Modern Markets to Serve You Better MARCO PEANUT Fresh Butter Made Ground in Enid lb 10c COTTAGE Cheese Cream Added 1b 10c SLAB Bacon Dry Cured Sugar lb 27c LONG Bologna lb 15c SCRAP Bacon 1 lb Rolls lb 19c.

The Enid Daily Eagle from Enid, Oklahoma (2024)
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